Catching up on Town News

A lot of cool things are being actualized, so here’s a round up! Enormous thanks to Loudoun Now’s Hanna Pampaloni for her dedicated coverage of our local happenings.

Hamilton Residents Collaborate with Town, County and State Over Safety Concerns

Hamilton Council Adopts New Comprehensive Plan

The comprehensive plan identifies 14 key goals for the plan to accomplish including:

• Achieve a balanced and sustainable land use pattern that will retain Hamilton’s historic, small-town character in a rural setting.

• Provide for the equitable, effective distribution of public facilities and services and implement preventative maintenance and physical and financial planning measures regarding existing and future infrastructure.

• Support the continuation of Hamilton Elementary School at its present site and support a competitive school system that reflects the town’s strong commitment to education.

• Uphold a high standard of environmental stewardship, promoting clean air and water and promoting effective tree, waterway and wildlife preservation standards.

• Provide safe and orderly flow of traffic in Hamilton and surrounding areas.

• Protect and enhance the town’s neighborhoods by discouraging cut-through traffic and create streets that are tree-lined with attention to safety.

• Provide for safe pedestrian and bicycle movement through the town and surrounding area, by means of sidewalks, paths and trails that interconnect the Hamilton community.

The plan also identifies 70 action items for the town to take in pursuing those goals with some of the key actions including monitoring the number of sewer and water taps granted for new development in the town and surrounding area, evaluating the existing town and county zoning district regulations and the zoning map for their compatibility with goals and policies, and reviewing the town ordinances and regulations to endure growth is managed to avoid overtaxing public services.

Hamilton resident starts business featuring Welsh baked goods

By Elizabeth Gaucher

I founded Longridge Editors LLC in 2011. We provide professional services to small businesses, with a special focus on the needs of authors, artists, nonprofits, and entrepreneurs in the areas of content development and editing.

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